
JellyTech - a place where talent, interestsand technology develop freely.

JellyTech in numbers

years on the market
completed projects
employee rotation (12m.)
Hand with magnifying glass


Our goal is to create professional, commercially useful IT solutions, of which each member of our team is proud, and each implemented project is uniqueand fully dedicated to our clients.

We constantly encourage employees to develop, giving them space, tools and full support in the free search and use of their beloved technologies.


We want JellyTech to be a company created by people who, together with us, define its goals and care for its continuous development.
It is a place for extraordinary people looking for opportunities to develop their potential, implementing ambitious design challenges, and at the same time highly valuing autonomy in pursuing a common goal.

Company values ​​that we follow every day

We have various super powers and this is our strength!

We are a Team of individuals with different experiences, talents and ways of thinking. And that's great!  We arecommitted
A woman in a  purple cape holding her fist of a right hand  in the air
A woman is checking documents

We have an influence on our work.

We work with people who want to influence everything they do, their work, projects and clients. We trust our employees and give them independence and self-reliance.

Tell us how to do it and we will provide space to implement your ideas!

No matter what we do, we want to find joy in it.

We believe that having passions and goals, regardless of the difficulties (yes, it's not always perfect), we can find joy in everything we do.

We support each other, we discuss, we joke and in the end we enjoy our successes. It is up to us to find what is ours at work and in private life, what we want to do, make it meaningful and try to be better.
A woman is sitting in a field of sunflowers
A woman is standing in a front of a big website

Flexible in all conditions.

Flexibility is development for us. We work in the world of changing technologies, where a lot is happening, we cooperate with companies from various industries, we implement various projects.

We focus on the development of our employees, we learn every day, we develop, we exchange knowledge and experiences and we simply do not give up.

We adapt to new conditions to develop and build a business together with our clients.



The beginning of the company's existence.

We focus mainly on providing analytical solutions for the energy sector, including prediction of electricity demand or prices on the power exchange.

2007 - 2013

We develop our analytical competences.

We are constantly developing our analytical competences, we have specialized in solving our clients' business problems using mathematical methods such as: modeling, machine learning, artificial intelligence, statistics, data mining, optimization and simulation. We have also reached other industries with our services: automotive, telecommunications, banking, pharmaceutical and FMCG.

2014 - 2018

We are strengthening our position on the market.

We have completed a number of projects that commercially use Data Science in the daily work of our clients. We have created our own project work methodology, where we use data analysis, artificial intelligence and machine learning. We also consistently collect high ratings from satisfied users of our solutions, which results in a positive reception in other industries: insurance, media and pharmaceuticals. We are also changing as an organization, starting our activity in the form of a civil law partnership (2014).


A new way of delivering services.

The experience gained so far and constant work on improving our processes have allowed us to start providing services in a new way. From now on, we offer not only dedicated solutions, but also customization of ready-made solutions (along with the advisory service of choosing the best technology) as well as leasing of dedicated teams or field specialists.

We also carefully analyze the changing needs of our clients and decided to support them in digitizing their business.
Starting from November 2019, the company expanded its portfolio of services by creating a Software Development Department and became a limited liability company.


We are developing our Software Development Department.

Obserwujemy wyraźną tendencję do migrowania aktywności naszych Klientów do kanałów online, a źródła tego stanu rzeczy upatrujemy zarówno w kontynuacji trwającego od kilku lat trendu digitalizacji biznesu jak i rozpoczynającej się właśnie pandemii Covid-19. Nie jest dla nas zatem zaskoczeniem fakt, że nasz portfel zamówień rośnie szczególnie szybko w obszarze wytwarzania aplikacji oraz outsourcingu. Umiejętnie wykorzystaliśmy więc naszą znajomość branży ubezpieczeniowej, co w połączeniu z umiejętnościami naszego zespołu programistycznego zaowocowało powstaniem sklepu z ubezpieczeniami w wersji online (ciekawostką jest tu fakt, że nasz Klient zdecydował się wykorzystywać dostęp online jako jedyny kanał dotarcia do klientów końcowych).

We also develop international cooperation, successfully carrying out orders for clients located in Denmark and the United Arab Emirates.
We also recorded a record increase in turnover in the entire history of the company, and we doubled employment. In this situation, it was also necessary to change the office in which it suddenly became too crowded - from now on you will find us in Warsaw's Bielany.


We are definitely speeding up!

As a softwarehouse, we provide solutions for all industries in which we have been present so far, while constantly improving the quality of our services in the area of ​​outsourcing. We cooperate with companies from the medical and e-health industry, and as a result, we create a mobile application for the telemedicine system for the iOS platform.

At the same time, we constantly invest in the competences of our team, seeing these movements as the strongest factor in the company's growth. We introduce an employee benefit system, intensively promote the participation of our employees in conferences and trade fairs, and create a dedicated training budget. We do not have to wait long for the results of these activities: we end the year again with record financial indicators and doubling the size of the team.


We grow and develop the team!

It is successfully taking root in the medical industry, so we are starting the year with a new contract for the construction of a RIS class system, enabling comprehensive support for research in the field of radiology. Of course, we remember about our beginnings and we begin the construction and implementation of our proprietary Energy Management System for a customer from the battery power systems industry.

Our development team develops and strengthens its competences. In the first and second quarter, we take part in conferences and trade fairs, focusing mainly on those devoted to Java. We start with Javeloper 2022, where our representative gives a speech, and then we report to the largest Java conference in Poland: Devoxx Poland 2022, attended by over 100 speakers and over 600,000 developers from over 20 countries. The BI team, in turn, could not imagine that they could be missing from the Big Data Technology Warsaw Summit.
We look to the future with optimism and great hope and look forward to what this year will bring.